book story of Bible prophecy |
Lily Among Thorns
Song of Solomon 2:2
In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3
The Twentieth Century should have taught humanity how it is the world could spin out of control and be led into two World Wars, when a tyrannical ruler seizes power. But sorry to say the worst is yet to come, and here in the first decades of the Twenty-First Century. The current woes of society will lead to an Antichrist.

Book Reviews:
“ Real page turner!! ”
– Daniel Maddox
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Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, No New Thing Under The Sun
Not so Long Ago and not too Far, Far Away Back In Time. A generation in the Twentieth Century experience the daunting imposed task to defeat a tyrannical Dictator...
Lily Among Thorns Part 2, Ever Lasting Arms, Morning Sunrise
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Lily Among Thorns Part 1, Little R & R, Home to Picturesque Colorado
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Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, Shattering the Deceptions Of The ‘End of Days’
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Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, The Book of Revelation: Blessed is He That Readeth
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Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, The Truth shall Make You Free
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Lily Among Thorns, Happy New Year, Thy Kingdom Come
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Lily Among Thorns, Merry Christmas, Holy Scriptures
CREDITS Holy Scriptures, King James Bible Christmas stain-glass window photo by No Name 13, on Pixabay Jesus Mary Joseph image by Ken Williams, on Pixabay gold...
Lily Among Thorns Part 1, A Little R & R, Hawaiian Paradise
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Lily Among Thorns, Merry Christmas, The Gifts From The Lord
CREDITS Holy Scriptures, King James Bible Merry Christmas, white snewflake image by Gred Altmann, on Pixabay Christmas cabin image by Sam, on Pixabay Christmas...
Lily Among Thorns Part 1, A Little R & R, Lovely Paris
Lily Among Thorns We landed in Paris and had a late-night supper at the hotel discussing over dinner what we should do for tomorrow. Thereafter we said good night...