Come To The Rescue

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part 1

Come To The Rescue

All Is Lost

"In My Most Desperate Of Hours. I Pray Frantically For Help!"

All Is Lost, Chapter 4, Page 150

I was well to the point of no return, and with my head hung low, I cared not about anyone or anything anymore, which included myself.

Turning a corner, I then heard male voices conversing up ahead, and with it being the first time i encountered other human-beings out in these hellish hallways, my custom to find out the truth in a matter got the better of me. I found myself in shock and disbelief, which turned into contempt by the time it took me to take my next step, because who should I find fraternizing with the enemy. None other than Jared Hargrove!

little hood image by Betidraws, on Pixabay

silver sports car image by Open Clipart Vectors, on Pixabay

Come To The Rescue

All Is Lost

I Am All A Fright Encircled By A Pack Of Ravenous WOLVES!"


I was then led into another ghastly room just like the one before it, and then the brute then ordered me to sit, which I of course did with the thinking a confrontation was just not worth the effort with a reprobate pawn, as it is written in Romans 1:28, ‘And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”

skyscraper image by Jacques, on Pixabay


Holy Scriptures


Ezekiel 22:27, Her Princes In The Midst Thereof Are Like WOLES Ravening The Prey, To Shed Blood, And To Destroy SOULS, To Get Dishonest Gain.

moon wolf image on Pixabay


Holy Scriptures

Matthew 7:15, Beware False PROPHETS, Which Come To You In Sheep's Clothing But Inwardly They Are Ravening WOLVES.

wolf image by, Marion Schmidt, on Pixabay


Holy Scriptures



Luke 10:3, Go Your Ways: Behold I Send You Forth As LAMBS Among WOLVES.

wolf image by Fin Ly, on Pixabay


Come to the Rescue

All Is Lost

'I Am Deeply Distraught To Witness A One Time Acquaintance Now In The Company Of The Enemy."

Page 152

The door shut as I heard him making his grand entrance, and taking what I considered now his usual stance right in front of me, I began to brace myself for the worse.

But instead of hearing Strobeck’s nauseating voice, I heard an old familiar voice calling out my name with a sincere concern.

……”Lily, I can help you. I can get you out of here. But you must come with me right now. Please, Lily, it’s the only way, and we must act immediately.”

He concluded by extending his hand and waited desperately for a positive response…… But refusing Jared’s hand. I was ready to go with him.

man wolf image by Calla N, on Pixabay

wolfimage by John Rosa, on Pixabay

skyscraper image by Wevfewv, on Pixabay

Come To The Rescue

Author’s Commentary

One might ask how it is the courageous heroine Lily had ever encountered the perniciousness character of the ‘WOLF.’ Well, the fact  of the matter, plenty. But first, and before I delve into the finer point of this analogy. Let us take a moment to learn the nature of the ‘WOLF.’

WOLVES: Hunt in packs, encompass their VICTIM, then ATTACK with LETHAL AGGRESSION.

WOLVES: Illustrate hostility without Provocation, and its bite has the FORCE to CRUSH  hundred pounds of its QUARRY.

Now why pray tell such a formidable adversary, such as ‘BELIAL’ fears a sweet ‘Damsel’ such as Lily, whom has lived a sheltered home life protected under the roof of loving parents. For sure this is a ridiculous prospect to be afraid of such a antiquated SOUL!


All Is Lost

"Tears Seem To Be My Only Faithful Companion."

Come to the Rescue

Author's Commentary

Lily encounters Jared Hargrove at a time when help is most needed. Jared does not wield a sword of cruelty, but an out stretched hand of tender regards. Lily at the moment is bombarded with a host of cautionary dangers signals since witnessing Jared amongst the ‘Wolves,’ and yet only to keep her solemn vow to Caleb, she complies to Jared seemingly kind gesture, which is quite contrary to her first inclination to tell Jared to BUZZ OFF!But with Caleb’s supplication in mind and heart, Lily hopes there is no mischief in this formality.


All Is Lost

"I Am Surrounded By The Enemy With No Where To Hide."

Come To The Rescue

All Is Lost

"I Only Feel Alive In My Sorrows."

Author's Commentary

Contemplating what has brought her to such  devastation and ruin. Lily concludes it is for her intellect of piety, ‘Belial,’ or that ‘Old Serpent,’ must crush under foot the purest of SOULS as it is written in John 1:5, And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

A young woman’s sincere belief in the Bible’s Goodly Statutes. Surely such blameless activity should not warrant such hostile hostility.

Yet, at present, fallen victim to a diabolical ‘Ancient Foe’ and its drudges comparable to the ‘Wolf,’ ready to strike without provocation. Leaving Lily living in a constant state of panic vulnerable to the whim of evil’s wicked pleasure.

Lily experiencing in her desperate of hours, with prayer as her most precious possession. Her answered prayer comes from the most unlikely of sources to rescue her and, with her consent she proceeds. But superseding all other emotions at present. Lily only feels alive in her GRIEF!

red hood image by Jana Dubikova, on Pixabay

Come To The Rescue


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

sky scrapers image by Pete Linforth, on Pixabay

sad Woman image by Fantasy Pictures, on Pixabay

Bible light image by,Chandlerid, on Freepic

computer & desk by, Fancycrave 1, on Pixabay

red hood bat image by HANSUAN FABREGAS, on Pixabay

city sunset urban image by Tun Lam, on Pixabay

men suits image byClker Free-Vector, on Pixabay

city street image by ROLO TOMASI, on Pixabay

song title Morning Mist, by Ryan Haris, on Pixabay

All Is Lost

"I Feel So Lost And Alone Without My Beloved Caleb."

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