Lily Among Thorns Part 2, Everlasting Arms, Good Day
I knew this was really difficult for Jared to leave this decision up to me, knowing full well that if I left it all up to him, he'd probably take me out of the building right here and now! Making it very clear along the way just how much he despises the idea of...

Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, No New Thing Under The Sun
Not so Long Ago and not too Far, Far Away Back In Time. A generation in the Twentieth Century experience the daunting imposed task to defeat a tyrannical Dictator and the Axis Powers an event identified in history as World War II. Ecclesiastes 1:9, The thing...

Lily Among Thorns Part 2, Ever Lasting Arms, Morning Sunrise
Lily Among Thorns Ready ahead of schedule, I thought instead of twiddling my thumbs around here, waiting for the time to drag on. I might as well put on my black peacoat, and with the intentions of taking the future head-on! ....... Cruising down the freeway, I...

Lily Among Thorns, Little R & R, Home to Picturesque Colorado
Lily Among Thorns The announcement was then made for the passengers to prepare for the landing, and by the time we had landed six o' clock Sunday evening. Jared then surprised me when he drove passed the exit to his place. I brought this to his attention...

Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, Shattering the Deceptions Of The ‘End of Days’
Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 The Cosmos shall be restored by the Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus Christ, and the faithful believer such as Lily, a young damsel the main character in the novel 'Lily Among Thorns'...

Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, The Book of Revelation: Blessed is He That Readeth
The novel Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 is a harrowing adventurous read and delves into the lives of each character who is humbled by the decision to accept the 'Wisdom of the Age,' Jesus Christ as Lord of lords and King of...

Lily Among Thorns, Bible Study, The Truth shall Make You Free
Holy Scriptures John 8:32, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Liberty The Cast of Characters' in the Novel, Lily Among Thorns,' living in the 'End of Days,' where an overbearing governing 'Beast Cabal' is rapidly on the rise. It becomes...

Lily Among Thorns, Happy New Year, Thy Kingdom Come
CREDITS Holy Scriptures, King James Bible gold tree of life image by Dee, on Pixabay Revelation candlesticks image by Meranda D, on Pixabay song title Edge Of Darkness Music by Leigh Robinson, on Pixabay Revelation scroll image by Meranda D, on Pixabay Jesus...

Lily Among Thorns, Merry Christmas, Holy Scriptures
CREDITS Holy Scriptures, King James Bible Christmas stain-glass window photo by No Name 13, on Pixabay Jesus Mary Joseph image by Ken Williams, on Pixabay gold star image by Elisa, on Pixabay Promised Land image by, Moshe Harosh, on Pixabay bread image by Susan...

Lily Among Thorns, A Little R & R, Hawaiian Paradise
Lily Among Thorns We drew even closer still since that time, and the change over from Los Angeles to Hawaii went by without a snag. But we were so dog-tired when we arrived in Hawaii, we agreed to check into the hotel and catch up on some much-needed sleep to...