The Day Of Reckoning
Lily Among Thorns

Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3
The Day Of Reckoning

Memories, Chapter 1, Pages 19, 20
I threw on my jacket on my way out the front door, and right after locking up, I made some fast tracks down the hall and was relieved when the elevator showed up on the spot. The ride down to the parking garage seemed to take annoyingly forever, and starting my little red compact car. I began to feel a bit anxious knowing even though I’d be driving well within the allotted miles I was authorized to travel, still trying to explain to the authorities the reasons for taking to the roads in the wee hours of the morning would probably prove to be a real challenge.
Couple in rain image by Gerd Altman, on Pixabay
"My Heart Was Pounding With The Anticipation Of Seeing Caleb!"
The Day of Reckoning

"I Am So Anxious At The Possibility Of Seeing Caleb. My Hands Are Shaking Starting The Car!"
Page 20
I had hoped on a wing and a prayer. I would avoid any type of government surveillance and hopefully save myself the good possibility of landing me right back in Jail!
But how ridiculous, and to complicate matters even more so was the idea. I was not only meeting up with what I’d consider to be one of the sincerest and gentlest of souls, but by the authorities ill-favored portrayal of him he might as well be considered Enemy Number One!
The Day Of Reckoning

Author's Commentary
While Lily was driving to meet up with her destiny. She in the meantime has no qualms of the reality of living in a world going quickly astray. How can she when there are reminders everywhere on the proverbial road up ahead of her current lowly status in life.
A rogue governing body is in full rebellion against the Creator and, like a billboard on the side of the road, it is hard to ignore the fulfillment of the ‘Signs of the Times’ of the Lord’s imminent appearance.
The ‘Beastly Cabal’ is desperately out to hush every soul that professes Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of the world.
You might even go as far to call Lily an outcast in this new up and coming ‘Apostate Government,’ but with this being said. Her forced new oppressed lifestyle is always being monitored, and that goes ‘Quadruple the Trouble’ when the ‘Mark of the Beast’ is fully enforced.
Lily knows a complete surveillance society is hastily becoming the new norm and, for those who profess the Christian Faith soon there will be no place to hide living in the ‘Last Days.’
"Hearing The roar Of The Engine My Stomach Had Butterflys At The Promise Of Seeing Caleb!"
The Day Of Reckoning

"I Will Not Let A Little Thunderstorm Stop Me From Seeing Caleb!"
The Day Of Reckoning
Holy Scriptures

1st Thessalonians 2:2, But As We Were Allowed Of God To Be Put In Trust With The Gospel, Even So We Speak Not As Pleasing Men, But God, Which Trieth Our Hearts.
Proverbs 29:2, When The Righteous Us Are In Authority, The People Rejoice: But When The Wicked Beareth Rule, The People Mourn
The Day Of Reckoning

Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
lamppost image by D C Williams, on Pixabay
woman beauty rain image by Sabrina Bella, on Pixabay
street city image by, we -o- red35mumfmqeo-ugpm, on Pixabay
park bench lamppost images by Leo, on Pixabay
red car image by Salman Buff, on Pixabay
dove sky image by Gred Altmann, on Pixabay
sog title, Music by, On Pixabay