Lily Among Thorns
Lovely Paris
Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
Chapter 5, Page 237
We landed in Paris and had a late-night supper at the hotel discussing over dinner what we should do for tomorrow. Thereafter we said good night and started off our time in France on good firm ground.
Jared was showing me all the sights–the Eiffel Tower, the Louver, and the Pantheon, and that’s just to name a few. Our week in Paris went by before we knew it, and our last day there.
I was up bright and early on what turned out to be another beautiful day, and invigorated by the gorgeous weather. I wore a soft white linen dress, which tactfully spiraled down just shy of my ankles, and after slipping on the simplest ivory colored sandals. I went for a petite matching handbag, and thus far in a stress free frame of mind.
"Strolling Down The Seine Promenade With Jared Is Ever So Sweet!"
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
Page 239
On impulse I then gave Jared an affectionate squeeze to his waist, and after he returned the favor in like manner to my shoulders. We both agreed the weather was perfect for a stroll along the Seine, and walking along hand in hand. The hours seemed to just fly in the pleasure of each other’s company, and when the time began to fast approach the noon hour. Jared suggested we should stop somewhere and have a bite to eat. Delighted I added we should stop and take advantage of the unseasonable warm weather by dining at an outdoor cafe. Jared liking the idea agreed wholeheartedly, and as we went to sit at a table for two. Jared politely helped me with my chair, and with the midday sun becoming more apparent. He’d take his jacket off, and after placing it over the back of his chair. He’d take his seat, and started off the conversation with pleasant commentaries on our excursion. I couldn’t agree more, and as we began to enjoy the excellent Parisian cuisine. Jared went onto converse on my most preferred topic, and with this being the case. I listened appreciating his thoughtfulness and sweet disposition.
"The Arc de Triomphe is Amazing!"
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
"The Dinner Cruise Was Dreamy!"

"Jared Was Pretty Dreamy Himself On The Dinner Cruise!"
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
Page 246
Wanting to look extra special for the evening, I did so by not allowing myself to admit the truth, and that is I wanted to look nice for Jared. But if I ever allow myself to acknowledge such feelings, I knew the eventual outcome would mean I’d have to let go of Caleb, which was totally unacceptable. So ignoring the conflict within, I said to myself, I wanted to look nice for my last night in Paris, and moved on.
I was a vision of comeliness in a crimson red iconic dress…. I was just putting on my full-length black woolen overcoat when I heard a knock at my door. It turned out to be Jared who came a calling, and after grabbing my little matching handbag, I let him in and he responded as I had hoped.
“What’s this? I don’t get to see you.”
“I am saving that for later.”
"My Little Red Dress Is So Lovely!"
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
Pages 247, 248, 252
The dinner was excellent, and so was the company. We talked of our stay in Paris and of all the wonderful things we saw and shared together. I then said to Jared, sharing my thoughts and feelings on what turned out to be more than just a very special evening, “You always did know how to sweep a woman off her feet, Jared, and I guess that’s my way of saying, I’m having a wonderful time.
“You are the reason this evening is turning out to be so wonderful.”
“You see, that’s just what I’m talking about, and once again, thank you for a very nice compliment.”
Jared then responded with intensity in his reply. “And I mean every word.”
His passion then spilled over in my response. “I will always think fondly and cherish the time we spent in Paris. Because you, Jared, put a smile back on my face at a time when I thought it to be impossible
…..We ended the evening with an affectionate embrace and then went into our separate hotel rooms. Lying in bed I knew the real reason why I was holding out on Jared, and felt as of yet there was no way I could tell him of my true feelings for Caleb because for one thing, I wasn’t sure of my feelings toward anyone anymore. When I told Jared my feelings are a mess, I really meant it!
"What Can I Say The Louvre Museum In A Word, Amazing!"
Lovely Paris
"All The Wonderful Eateries."

A Little R & R
"The Food Is Just Yummy!"

Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
Author's Commentary
Currently Lily is swept away by Lovely Paris the ‘City of Lights,’ which enhances her agreeable viewpoint of Jared , coming to the acknowledgement. She is attracted to all the amiable qualities that had drawn her to Jared in the first place, and being in his company at present it feels as though no time has gone by at all.
Come the end of another enjoyable daytime spent sightseeing are the wonderful evenings of fine dining and pleasurable conversation under the ambiance of Lovely Paris the ‘City of Lights.’ Lily embraces the prospect to take a pause from the weight of a world in turmoil.
The casual observer looking on in passing might perceive Lily and Jared as two lovers out for a special evening, and come the goodnight. Lily is standing at her hotel door looking up at Jared’s attractive smile. She finds herself in an emotional quandary as to how she should proceed and sets out in due course in earnest not to hurt Jared’s authentic emotions . Thus she shares a genuine farewell in a cordial manner. Jared graciously accepts Lily cordiality, but for Lily it is hard to miss his expression of disappointment.
Lily although spending another wonderful day with Jared and his good intentions are well appreciated. She cannot help but feel empathetic and a bit awkward once again closing her door on Jared and ends the evening with just a gracious hug of a good friend.
Alone inside her hotel room directly coming to the forefront of her heart and mind is the preponderance where or what is happening to her Beloved Caleb, and she perceives the Love of her Life is as close to her as her tears of heartache, and yet Lily is steadfast to refuse the wicked world’s firmness to keep her separated from her Beloved.
Cozy warm lying beneath her bed-covers the fierce battle continues and Lily is on the battlefield directing her warrior prayers to her Father God of the Bible, and kindly falls asleep trusting the Lord God to reunite her to her Beloved Caleb.
"Fabulous Paris Fashions I Cannot Get Enough!"
Lovely Paris
Holy Scriptures
Ephesians 5:27, That He Might Present It To Himself A Glorious Church, Not Having Spot, Or Wrinkle, Or Any Such Thing; But That It Should Be Holy And Without Blemish.

"Notre-Dame Cathedral, How Wonderful!"
Lovely Paris

A Little R & R
"Strolling The Streets Of Paris Is So Sweet With OOOh SOOO Good Company!"
Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
Postcard Paris image by Stefan Schweihofer, on Pixabay
Paris watercolor, on Pixabay
Paris Seine Promenade image by Laurentgiovag, on Pixabay
Arc de Triomphe Paris image by Ian Kelsall, on Pixabay
Eiffel Tower Tiver Shffle Boat image by Brigitte Werner, on Pixabay
couple sunset image by Roland, on Pixabay
Louvre Museum Paris image by Edi Nugraha, on Pixabay
Paris Fashion red dress image by Rozeroodart, on Pixabay
Vintage Fashion image by Michael Drummond, on Pixabay
French Cafe Gourmande image by Inkflo, on Pixabay
Pastry Foam Roll Delicacy image by Nicky, on Pixabay
Notre-Dame Cathedral image by Wieslaw Graziowski, on Pixabay
Arch Alley image by Jean Philippe Fourier, on Pixabay
song title Dream by Dream, music by Oleksii Holubiev, on Pixabay