Lily Among Thorns

Vacation Getaway

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon In The Last days 2nd Peter 3:3

"Here I Am Feeling So Alone Missing Caleb."

"I Took Jared's Picture Rushing To Catch Our Flight Out Of Town To Incredible London! He Was A Good Sport!"

Vacation Getaway

All Is Lost

Chapter 5, Page 178, 179

[1] “I know this may not be the right time to bring this up, and what I am about to suggest may not help, but it sure can’t hurt. If you’ll permit me. I’d like to take you away from all of this.

“I’ve got some vacation time coming my way and for one reason or another I’ve put off. That’s one thing that may never change. But I say it’s high time I get away myself. So what I propose is you and I should get away together.”

“I am feeling so empty. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be to much company.”

I could tell by Jared’s expression, he was just relieved I hadn’t flat out rejected his whole idea, and I wasn’t even sure why I didn’t reject it myself. But with all my hopes now forever dashed of ever getting to see my family. I felt I had nothing left for me here anyway, so why not go. In response to my positive reaction, Jared felt more at ease to speak of more of the details.


man image by Jetal Prodocoes, on Pixabay


Vacation Getaway

Page 179

[2] “You let me decide what company I want to keep, and I’ll start making all of the arrangements today. Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to fly out of here as early as tomorrow morning or the very latest this coming Saturday.

……But I’ll do whatever makes you happy.”

“Happy, Jared? I don’t know if I’ll ever be happy or will be able to make someone else happy ever again.”

…..”What do you say from here on out the both of us just take one day at a time, and we let the future take care of itself.”

‘I’ll try, Jared, but I can’t promise you anything.”

airplane night image by Souiones digitalesage, on Pixabay

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All Is Lost

"On Are Way To Lovely Paris, In The Air I Mostly Read My Bible, Or Catch Up On Some Sleep."

"Vacation Getaway Our Itinerary."

"First Stop Fly To Incredible London."

"A Week In Lovely Paris."

Vacation Getaway

All Is Lost

Page 212

[3] “I think it’s time we get this show on the road.”

His comment began to set the wheels in motion, and as we cleaned up a wee bit in the kitchen, the plan was I’d hold the elevator doors open while he managed the luggage. On the ride down the elevator to the inside parking garage, we were surrounded by bags, and Jared’s brand of light-some humor on the subject got a chuckle out of me.

“Please do remind me before my back gives out to pass on to you the finer points of packing light.”

Page 213

…..I then broke out into laughter when Jared made the sincere reference as to how pleased he was to see me in a jovial mood at his expense.

“It’s quite all right, because it’s good to see you laughing and smiling for a change.”

Jared’s pleasant remark was all it took to take the smile right off my face, and I said, with an overwhelming sense of remorse, “You know I appreciate so much when you manage to make me smile, but yet at the same time, when I do, it makes me feel guilty.”

“You shouldn’t feel that way, Lily. You are still a part of life, and I’m sure even the Good Lord wouldn’t want you to give up smiling because He gave you such a beautiful smile.

I replied, thankful once more for Jared’s thoughtfulness and words of wisdom. “Thank you, Jared, for saying all those wonderful things about me even though I’m not too sure I deserve them.”

“The pleasure was all mine. But I was only stating the facts.”

Woman image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay

people silhouette image by Asvsrgr, on Pixabay

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"Jared Snapped My Picture At One Of The Airports Coffee Houses Waiting For Our Next Flight."

All Is Lost

"Here We Are Landing In The Hawaiian Paradise!"

Vacation Getaway

Author's Commentary

A Vacation Getaway can mean a trip to Classical foreign lands, or to explore Exotic places. Presently Lily is residing at the Denver Airport set to go on a Vacation Getaway. She is not alone on this ‘Holiday Break,’ so it has been said ‘From the Cares of Life,” and to accompany her is a thoughtful caring man.

The airport crowded with people running to and fro, to which Lily contemplates this is just another ‘Sign of the Times’ that separates her from her Beloved. Pondering her now humble status living in the ‘Time of the End’ she considers the Holy Scripture as it is written in Daniel 12: 4, But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.

Lily takes to heart as instructed by the Lord Jesus to discern the ‘Sigh of the Times’ of her habitation as it is written in Matthew 16:3, And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but ye cannot discern the signs of the times

The ‘Signs of the Times’ are just another unhappy reminder to Lily of her yearnings of separation from her Beloved Caleb. And adding to her heartache arises the question how can such an outstanding person such as Caleb be persecuted for his honorable beliefs in the Lord Jesus Christ. Lily wisely deduces this is yet another ‘Sign of the Times’ as it is written in Matthew 10:22, And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Standing alone Lily stares through the windowpane out into the distance, consumed with sorrow she wonders if she shall ever be reunited with her Beloved, and by her own observations outwardly life continues as usual, disregarded are the ‘Sign of the Times.’ as it is written in Matthew 24:38, For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered the ark.

Continuing on this same theme Lily recalls the verse as it is written in 2n Peter 3:3, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts.

Lily prefers to bear this deepest burden of heartache alone, by retorting an expression of cordiality. Lily however concludes only in her utterance of prayer she manages to ‘Getaway,’ and by putting her trust in the Father God of the Bible, she has HOPE the Lord will do the impossible as it is written in Luke 18:27, And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

A particular story from the Bible she recalls to confirm her resolve as it is written in Genesis 32: 26, And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

She likewise reflects back to the pleasantries of home and family, where it was commonplace for her and her mom to have a heart-to-heart ‘Kitchen Table Top Discussion,’ and on one such an occasion. Lily is apprehensive of an uncertain future, in response her mom passes on the encouraging words to ‘Never Give Up.’ Lily perceiving this advice as one of the ‘Greatest Gifts’ from her mother. Lily is uplifted as she now considers her uncertain future in the present.

Truly the preponderance to ‘Getaway’ is a pleasant prospect. But for Lily, in her grief, a time well spent is one shared with the ‘Good Book,’ The Holy Scriptures, and true to her faith in the Lord God. Lily shall trust in the God that one day she shall be reunited with her BELOVED CALEB!


Vacation Getaway

Vacation Getaway

"Last Stop Paradise That Is Hawaii."

Vacation Getaway

"Airport Coffee House Where We Waited For Our Next Flight."

Vacation Getaway

Holy Scriptures

Matthew 25:14, For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is As a Man Traveling Into A Far Country, Who Called His Own Servants, And Delivered Unto Them His Goods.

All Is Lost

Vacation Getaway


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

woman aircraft image by Marie, on Pixabay

airplane clouds, on Pixabay

airplane land images by Michael Conway, on Pixabay

London image by Grumpy Beere, on Pixabay

luggage suitcases image by May Angelike, on Pixabay

luggage cases image by Dat Huynh, on Pixabay

compass image by Gred Altmann, On Pixabay

Paris image by Clarence Alford, on Pixabay

Hawaii Island image by Sijalinn, on Pixabay

coffee house image by Franz Bachinger, on Pixabay

airplane dawn image by Michael Conway, on Pixabay

song title A Stroll Through Montmartre, music by Remixr, on Pixabay


All Is Lost

"In The Air Jared Cordially Offered Me The Window Seat. Where I Ended Up Sadly Gazing Out Into The Beautiful Clouds and Missing Caleb."

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