Lily Among Thorns

Fiend From Hell

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In the Last days 2nd Peter 3:3

All Is Lost

Chapter 4, Page 171

“[1] I feel uncomfortable about wearing your clothes , Jared, and I’d like to get my clothes cleaned because I am sure you are probably well aware I really can’t be using your clothes all of the time.”

Jared the began to share what he had in mind to solve this particular situation.

“Since you brought it up, now is as good a time as any to let you know how I thought it best to take care of this exact predicament.

Holy Srciptures

Job 12:16, With Him Is Strength And Wisdom: The Deceived And The Deceiver Are His.

Fiend From Hell

Page 171, 172

[2] ….I was out to set him straight. Raising my voice, I said, interrupting him and his grand ideas, “Jared, stop it right there!” He was definitely caught off guard when I hollered, and looking a bit stunned, he sat in silence as I continued trying to regain my composure, “I feel like my life is spinning out of control, and what do you think I was doing? Look at where you found me! I tell you what, if you really wanted to help me, help me get back together with my family!”

By Jared’s expression I could see only empathy. But I wasn’t looking for sympathy no matter how well-intended, and I continued speaking under the impression he was completely clueless to my difficulties.

…..Forgetting myself, I stood up from my chair with the purpose of leaving Jared behind with all of his good intentions. But I just then realized I had nowhere else to go! When this horrible reality just then became crystal clear.

I ran straight to the guest bedroom, and after locking the door behind  me, I collapsed face down on the bed and cried my eyes out into the pillow. I then heard Jared outside the door, and sounding ever so sorry, he began addressing me.

field flowers sunlight image by Eva Michalkova, on Pixabay

Fiend From Hell

All Is Lost

Chapter 4, Page 172, 173

[3] “More than anything I wish I could reunite you with your family. But I can’t, My hands are tied. But I am trying to do my very best to help you. Please be patient with me and help me to understand exactly what you’re going through….”

Jared then paused to see if I would respond to his apology, but I just couldn’t. Giving up, I then heard Jared walking away from the door. I stayed put for the rest of the night with the feeling all was lost, and I cried myself to sleep.

I was suddenly aware I was an innocent youth once again who had only eight years to my credit and filled with the wholesomeness of my delicate years.


pink bedroom, on Pixabay

snow castle bedroom image by ALEX, on Pixabay

Page 173,

[4]  I stood posed wearing my blue jumper school uniform to open a sturdy yet stately wooden door beckoning me to come a calling.

My eyes were then awestruck as I stepped through the doorway and into a bedroom full of promise and Happy Ever After. I grew wide- eyed with delight to behold the pretty golden furnishings, to which my young eyes could only compare to a fairy-tale story.


Holy Scriptures

2nd Peter 3:18, But Grow In Grace, And In Knowledge Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him Be Glory Both Now And For Ever. Amen.

Fiend From Hell

All Is Lost

Chapter 4, Page 173

[5] With childlike faith, I came to be aware of the soft golden glow filtering through the elegantly laced vast windows, which seemed not only an agreeable source of warmth, but also most pleasing to the senses…..Feeling wide-eyed and full of surprises, I carefully pulled back on one of the lovely window dressings, and with a trusting heart, I hoped to see the sweetest revelation…..But instead I was shocked to find a most hideous beast and vile creature receiving me with a frightful grin. He was pleased with himself for deceiving me with his deceitful lies……there would be no mistaking him to be a fiend straight from the pit of hell…..who then proudly revealed a vast darkened realm of emptiness lying just beyond the windowpane. Even my innocent sensibilities could make out this was a place of Unhappy Endings—-a place set apart for all those who had chosen to believe his accursed lies!

Fiend From Hell

Holy Scriptures

1st Corinthians 15:33, Be Not Deceived: Evil Commuications Corrupt Good Manners.

Page 173

[6] ….Upon opening my eyes into the present darkness of the bedroom, needless to say, it did not settle well with me after experiencing the dark nothingness in that dream.

forest fantasy image by Kishwar Yasir, on Pixabay

white door image by Claudia, on Pixabay

fractal abstract image by Garik Barsehyan, on Pixabay

Fiend From Hell

Holy Scriptures

Galatians 6:7, Be Not Deceived; God Is Not Mocked: For Whatsoever A Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap.

All Is Lost

Chapter 4, Page 174, 175

[6] ….Once I had fixed up the sofa into a bed. I was still feeling pretty shaken up snuggled beneath the covers. Knowing the Lord never sleeps, I found comfort in this truth and prayed myself back to sleep.

…. I knew it had to be Jared returning from his morning jog—-a habit I had gathered he had kept since our first encounter….I sat up to greet him with a smile, and bent over he was preoccupied with taking off his sneakers at the door.

dreamy blue bedroom image by Amrulaays Maarof network, on Pixabay

wooden door image by Gerd Altmann, on Pixabay

technology connection image by Pete Linforth, on Pixabay

Fiend From Hell

Author’s Commentary

[1] The Character Lily is currently experiencing loves heartache in and upside-down world, and it appears to her weary Spirit. She had discovered, or so she thought a reprieve in her dreams from the troubles of the nightmare that is the real world.

Wearing her grade-school uniform she discovers she is but a girlish-school girl, and to her happy delight once more she was under the trustworthy tutelage of her dear parents, and  Far, Far Away are all the cares and responsibilities of being a grownup. Harmony of Spirit came with this quirk of fate as Lily is living in the land of sweet dreams.

Stepping out into a Fanciful bedroom Fantasy, vanished went all the heartache from her awakening world. Lily is then awestruck by the most beautiful elegance to which her young eyes it looks like something from right out of a Fairy-Tale.

All Is Lost

Holy Scriptures

Psalms 71:5, For Thou Art My hope, O Lord GOD: Thou Art My Trust From My Youth.

Holy Scriptures

2nd Corinthians 11:14, And No Marvel; For Satan Himself Is Transformed Into An Angel Of Light.

Fiend From Hell

Fiend From Hell

Author’s Commentary

Lily is Mesmerized and with child like faith she carefully runs her hand over the golden silken shimmering bed-coverings. Capturing her full attention is the soft and friendly glow creating the phenomenal light, and beckoning her to come.

The vast windows reaching almost to the high ceilings, she perceives nothing menacing on her approach, and hoping to see a most merry sight, she begins to pulling back on the graceful drapery material.

But no one likes to be deceived, and unfortunately for Lily she had  succumb to be a victim of treachery. Looking beyond the windowpane lie a fiendish creature mocking Lily’s trusting SOUL with a twisted grin. For what lie further  beyond the creature was a vast realm of obscurity. At first glance Lily was in shock, but prudence was soon to follow.

Blessed with Christian instruction from  her early youth. Lily held true to the loyal righteousness of the Holy Scriptures, and ringing true at the moment as it is written in Genesis 50:20, But as for you, ye thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

On this one night perhaps Lily’s youthful innocence was tricked by the enemy that ‘Old Serpent,’ but prevailing the gloom and doom  deceitfully paraded in her dream. Lily awakened with a sigh of relief, and on that same night. She may have ended up turning on all the lights and sleeping on the living room sofa. Yet comforted by a faithful prayer she falls back to sleep in the blessed assurance she is a daughter of the Most High God. 

All is Lost

Holy Scriptures

Revelation 20:10, And The Devil That Deceived Them Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire And Brimstone, Where The Beast And The False Prophet Are And Shall Be Tormented Day And Night For Ever And Ever.

All Is Lost

Holy Scriptures

2nd Peter 1:7, For Many Deceivers Are Entered Into The World, Who Confess Not That Jesus Christ Is Come In The Flesh. This Is A Deceiver And An Antichrist.

Fiend From Hell



chandelier image by Digital Graphics, on Pixabay

pink bedroom image by Syed Aii Mehdi, on Pixabay beige drapes image by

volcano lava image by Adom Laponk, on Pixabay

beige drapes image by Svetlana, on Pixabay

arch architecture image by Open Clip art-Vectors, on Pixabay.

bed flowers image by Brandy Umfleet, on Pixabay

school girl image by Wolfgang Eckert, on Pixabay

woman sleeping image by Jerzy Gorecki, on Pixabay

candle flame image by Gerd Altmann, on Pixabay.

song title My Little Garden of Eden, music by Geoff Harvey, on Pixabay

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