Gentlemanly Manners

All Is Lost

"Me Lily Missing Caleb Terribly."

Gentlemanly Manners

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3

Chapter 4, Pages 153, 154

[1] In completion of bearing my soul out unto the Lord, Jared just then made it passed the security gate, and as he drove off of the premises without delay, my whole life was in shambles.

Jared’s actions were easily read as the car hastily gained momentum, and he purposefully put distance between us and headquarters. I than thought again, who could blame him? Making our way down the freeway. I noticed he was driving toward the city, Concerning this matter, he didn’t say much else except he really had no choice in this particular set of circumstances, which led him to take me to his place. I gave no response, and by my indifferent reactions, he pretty much took the hint I wasn’t in much of a mood to talk. So he turned on the stereo to break the silence, and soon the car was filled with stirring orchestrations. The sounds of which were like windows into my soul, and with each rise and fall of the methodical melodies, my emotions would rise up to the heights of the heavens, only to be let down to the depths of despair.

living room image by Vilius Kukanaoskas, on Pixabay

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All Is Lost

"Jared's Posh Predicable City Penthouse Apartment."

Gentlemanly Manners

Page 154

[2] I also learned right quick Jared lived in the downtown area of the city and would soon drive into an underground parking garage of one of the more swanky high-rise pieces of real-estate.

Page 155

[3] Jared continued this one-sided conversation, while at the same time he began sorting through his briefcase set on top of the dining room table. I could only assume by his calculated ruffling of papers he was trying to figure out just what he should need.

“I want you to make yourself feel right at home, and you should be able to find everything you need in the extra bedroom right at the end of the hall, If you’re hungry, I’ve got plenty of things to eat in the fridge, and my clothes closet is yours to use as you see fit. I guess what I’m trying to say is this, and maybe not in a very good way, but what I mean is, what’s mine is yours.”

David & Gliath image by Glagolyvechony, on Pixabay

Bible Image by Hucklebarry, on Pixabay

"Jared's Favorite Bible Story, David & Goliath."

All Is Lost

"Jared's Treasured Bible He Received As A Gift From His Dad."

Page 155

[4] Not knowing what else to add. Jared then made his exit with a reassuring smile. Once he was finally out of the picture, I stood stunned for the moment not quite believing I was left to my own devices. But once the shock had worn off, I found I was pretty keen on the idea of doing as I well pleased without big brother watching my every move. Not only did I feel free to let my guard down without fear of reprisals, but it also seemed to me to be a lifetime since I was able to have some sense of real privacy.

David & Goliath image by Roger Casco, on Pixabay

Gentlemanly Manners

Page 156

[5] I just then noticed an unpretentious door on the same wall housing all of Jared’s high tech gadgets, and with my curiosity always getting the best of me. I wasted no time investigating things out for myself, and flicking on the light switch. I wasn’t surprised at all to find Jared had a home office, slash well equipped workout room with a treadmill, a flat bench press accompanied by various size weights, and a punching bag with a pair of boxing gloves conveniently resting nearby.

computer image by Fancycrave 1, on Pixabay

All Is Lost

"Jared's Heavy Work Load Gives Him Almost No Time To Workout."

Page 156

[6] From hence I had come it was hard not to notice a wall proudly devoted to various awards and trophies, and intrigued. I had a closer look. I took note some were accredited to his rowing exploits in college, and others to the art of self defense, and from his early youth, and what warranted my attention in particular was an eight by ten picture of an eleven or twelve year old Jared. All smiles standing with a blond haired boy the same age, with their arms wrapped about the backs of each other’s shoulders. I found it curious only thinking of Jared as the man, and not as a happy go lucky young lad

Holy Scriptures

Gentlemanly Manners

Remember Then That Are In Bonds, As Bound With Them; And Them Which Suffer Adversity, As Being Yourselves Also In The Body.

All Is Lost

Gentlemanly Manners

All Is Lost

"Jared Is Growing Weary Of Traveling On The Job."

"It Is Always Hard To See Him Go."

Page 157

[7] I promptly went to leave the room, and by quickly closing the door behind me. I thought to leave all of Jared’s obsessive inclinations behind with it.

But in so doing, my own needs came to the forefront of my thoughts. With the rudimentary feelings of hunger and thirst beginning to kick in, and not particularly in that order.


Pages 157, 158

[8] I knew the chocolate to be for cooking. But ask me if I cared, and quickly tearing into the gold foil wrapper. I savored each and every rich and silky yummy bite. But once I finished my delectable fare. I sadly began to reflect on these proceedings, and remarked when tossing the empty wrapper in the trash bin under the sink. ‘Wow! I feel so pathetic. And is this what I’ve succumb to? Looking for food in a strangers refrigerator.”

I knew Jared wasn’t a total stranger, per-say. But since we hadn’t seen each other in years, I figured he might as well be, and at this moment in time. The urge to cry tears of self pity were para mount. But quickly letting these pitiful notions go. I’d pull myself together, and thought aloud.

“Now would be a good time to move on, and see what I can find in the way of a change of clothes.”

Page 159

Fully disgusted  by Jared and his Ivory Tower, I quickly grabbed a pair of black slacks, a belt, a white shirt, and after gathering up a few more of the necessities of life, I was out of there. By that time I was totally infuriated by Jared and for allowing himself to be corrupted by Big Brother!

man holding globe image by Ut9mot3te4, on Pixabay

airplane image by Dee, on Pixabay

luggage image by,GC, on Pixabay


All Is Lost

"One Of Jared's Pet Peeves Is Work Related Telephone Calls At Home."

Gemtlemanly Manners

Author’s Commentary

[1]  Lily a reluctant recipient of a ‘Shack and Awe’ campaign perpetrated by the fanatical drudges of the Global Beast Regime, where only total submission is acceptable. Lily comes out from this experience as a traumatized weary Christian Veteran soldier for Christ Jesus, and it is unfathomable for Lily to think of the righteous statutes of the Bible, as credible vindication to employ on the blameless such complete devastation.

The question then arises in Lily’s heart, how can it be one moment she is in the most horrific real estate on the planet earth, and the next minute she finds herself in the lap of luxury. None of this made much sense to her commonsense sensibilities, and to top it off! 

Lily cannot even begin to imagine how it should be of all people Jared Hargrove should appear on the scene to come to ‘Save the Day!’ She perhaps acknowledges Jared’s Gentlemanly Manners.

But being left in a quandary over this unexpected event, it seemed, emotional speaking, to much for her to handle at present, not with other pressing issues in Lily’s world such as the monumental pain of a broken heart. And as she yearns for her ‘One True Love’ Caleb. Nothing brings on the tears of sorrow faster more so than the idea she will be separated from Caleb forevermore.

man seated image by Gisunp5lyn, on pixabay


Gentlemanly Manners

Author’s Commentary

[2] Lily feeling much like a bit player living in the far reaching gigantor complex of the ‘Global Cabal.’ She allows herself to lower her guard by what she deems a blessed event to once more be the benefactor of clean attire, fatigue begins to takes its toll, and with her eyes growing heavier by the minute. Lily recognizes to her own satisfaction perhaps she was beaten down, but not defeated. This encouraging thought brings her back to her beloved Caleb, and by the time she finished her bedtime prayers, with Caleb at the top of her list. Lily drifts off to sleep emotionally and physically exhausted, and yet consoled with the awareness she can have full confidence in the love of her Father God.

home office image by 1 Tamara 2, on Pixabay


All Is Lost

"Sometimes I Think Jared Works More At Home Than On The Job."

Gentlemanly Manners


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

woman image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay

skyscrapers image by Pete Linforth, on Pixabay

boxer image by Pexels, on Pixabaye City skyline image, on Pixabay

city image by Srin Wong, on Pixabay

clocks & city image by Gerd Altmann, on Pixabay

song title Asurs, music by, on Pixabay


All Is Lost

"Time Fly's Whenever Jared And I Are Together."

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