Lily Among Thorns

Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon

2:2 In The Last Days

2nd Peter 3:3

Image Nanne Tiggelman, on Pixabay


Chapter 3, Page 113

[1] After turning off the expressway, they drove beyond the suburbs and into a densely populated area of aged evergreen trees and mountains dominating the backdrop.

photo Stock Snap, on Pixabay

Going From Bad To Worse


[2] The view might have been considered breathtaking, but it was just another reminder of how disconnected I felt from God’s bountiful creation, and to confirm these feelings of separation was a huge sign lit up for all to see, which read, SECURITY POLICE FORCE HEADQUARTERS.

photo Karina Cubillo, on Pixabay

image Pete Linforth, on Pixabay

Holy Scriptures

Romans 3:24, Being Justified Freely By His Grace Through His Redemption That Is In Christ Jesus.


Page 120, 121 [3] “But do you know what’s the real sorry state of affairs is in all of this? The real Bible-believing Christians are landing themselves in places like this, or worse. And believe it or not, I hate all of this stinking mess!”

….Well, it just so happened on that faithful night of your failed escape attempt. I was present. You, my dear, were responsible for disrupting an official inspection. I will admit, you did make it for an interesting evening.”

I was totally taken aback by this new development, and my inquisitiveness getting the best of me. I lifted my head to take a gander, and by his affable smile, my emotions must have shown up on my face because astonishingly I come to find he was just the opposite of all those who had come before him.

His blue eyes sparkled like two gemstones against his healthy bronzed complexion, and even though he didn’t look much older than myself, there was no mistaking from his classic tailored charcoal grey suit to his six-foot or so healthy maintained physique. He was fixed to perfection from his well-groomed jet black hair to the soles of his custom designer shoes, and in every which way, his flawlessly Classic Mediterranean profile only added to his self-assured manner. It looked to be a natural state of affairs for him to captivate his audience.

image Pexels, on Pixabay

Holy Scriptures

Psalm 102:1 Hear My Prayer, O Lord And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee.


Author’s Commentary 

[1]All forces beyond the realm of reason are taking Lily a place where is does not want to go, slipping away like a dream fading into the night is Lily’s heart of the purest intent. But unbeknown to Lily, and beyond her tears of grief. Lily’s faith is shining brightly as the morning sun amongst the spiritual darkness determined to snuff out her spiritual light. For dwelling within is the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, preparing Lily for a direct confrontation against ‘The World, the Flesh, and the Devil.’

Lily may be but only a modest part of humanity, coming from her pocket-size corner of the world. But lest it be forgotten she to is deserving of sweet dreams residing within her purest of hearts the blessings of family and home, but now positioned at the depths of extreme emotional and physical torment, her once hopeful heart is now waning.

Lily being just one of the many nameless faces in a crowd by the ways of the world. She at present takes great consolation in the knowledge she is never truly alone and is held in high esteem as a daughter of the Most High God of the Bible!

image Woman sad, on Pixabay

photo Roman Grac, on Pixabay

Holy Scriptures

Psalms 126:5, They That Sow In Tears Shall Reap In Joy.

Lily Among Thorns



Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

image Martina Bulkova, on Pixabay

photo En rique Meseguer, on Pixabay

song title For When It Rains, music by, Juan Sanchez, Pixabay


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