Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part 1

Roaring Thunder

Hold On

Shape Up And Fly Right

Chapter 2, Page 102, Hold On

“Please try and hold on. I only have six more months to go, and then I am out of here. And I can help you once I’m on the outside. You must try and hold on till then. Please let me help you.”

Distressed by the idea of refusing his empathetic request, I replied, “I don’t know if I can survive one more hour. Let alone six more months. We both know it’s no use.”

storm clouds image by 1 Tamara 2, on Pixabay


Roaring Thunder

"I Love You."

Page 102, I Love You

I just knew by his expression he knew me to speak the truth and even so, and with this being my regrettable reality, I quickly turned back round before his adoring eyes would change my resolve.


....."I Love You."

……Consumed by grief knowing that if I should ever look back now it would virtually be impossible for me to ever leave him behind.

I pressed down on the door handle knowing full well I was setting myself for no less than an emotional and physical upheaval.

thunderstorm forest image by Gianluca, on Pixabay


Roaring Thunder

Lifetime Of Heartache

Pages 102, 103, Lifetime Of Heartache

Running out into the night, the alarms instantaneously began to sound off all around me……. My tears seemingly never ended with the prospect of a lifetime of heartache before me, and once I was safely hidden from the meddlesome guards. I took a short-lived sigh of relief and kept on running with a thankful heart unto the Lord for my trusty old leather jacket to help keep out the chilly night air. I also noticed as the sights and sounds of the commotion grew fainter into the distance, I began to grow more acquainted with my surroundings. With the skies above overcast and hanging low. I thought it to be the perfect metaphor for my overall gloomy life story.

storm clouds image by Dawn Rose, on Pixabay

Roaring Thunder

Holy Scriptures

Matthew 28:20, Teaching Them To Observe All Things Whatsoever I Have Commanded You: And, Lo, I Am With You Alway, Even Unto The End Of The World. Amen.

Roaring Thunder

I Left Caleb

Page 103, I Left Caleb

When I left Caleb behind.With tears of anguish, I’d seek out God’s never- failing love and found comfort in knowing I could always count on my heavenly Father to see me through yet another disastrous experience I call my life.

woman rain image by Jensen Art CO, on Pixabay

Roaring Thunder

Sounds Of Roaring Thunder

Going From Bad To Worse

Chapter 3, Page 104, Roaring Thunder

The Sounds of Roaring Thunder from above had shockingly awakened me up right out of a sound sleep. Looking up passed the treetops, lighting began flashing across the night sky. With it came thoughts of this wicked world as it is written in 2nd Thessalonians 2:8, And Then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

storm clouds field image by Pete Linforth, on Pixabay


Roaring Thunder

Holy Scriptures

Psalms 107:29, He Maketh The Storm A Calm, So That The Waves Thereof Are Still.

Roaring Thunder


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

woman sad image by Amrulqays Maarof, on Pixabay

Jesus clouds image by Meranda D, on Pixabay

cross clouds field image by Chil Vera

thunder clouds video image by Finging Footages, on Pixabay

Storms clouds 1 Tamara 2, on Pixabay

song title War Metal Trailer, on Pixabay


"By The Time I Gained Shelter From The Fury Of The Raging Storm! I Had No More Tears Of Anguish Left! Looking for HELP I Reach Out In Prayer As It Is Written In Psalms 22:11, Be Not Far From Me; For Trouble Is Near; For There Is None To Help.

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