Lily Among Thorns
Sound Of Gun Fire
Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3,
Going From Bad to Worse, Chapter 3,
Pages 108, 109
I was just a few yards away from the safe confines of the cornfields when I heard the sound of a police siren closing in fast from behind. I thought, Oh My God, No! The farmer’s called the police! But whatever the case, either I wasn’t fast enough or the police weren’t slow enough. The next thing I knew a man began to holler out from behind for me to stop running or he’d shoot!
Still determined to keep right on going and suffer the consequences, I kept right on running until he decided to make good on his word and the next noise I heard was the sound of gunfire. I could not make out if he were just firing a warning shot in the air or otherwise, but I wasn’t about to find out and took this as a sign to call it quits.
"My Mom Frances Always Said The Fresh Air In The Country Is A Beautiful Thing!"

basket apples image by Studio, on Pixabay
Holy Scriptures
Psalms 34:22, The LORD Redeemeth The SOUL Of His Servants: And None Of Them That Trust In Him Shall Be Desolate.

apple orchard images by Lumix, on Pixabay
Holy Scriptures
Genesis 2:7, And The LORD God Formed Man Of The Dust Of The Ground, And Breathe Into His Nostrils The Breath Of Life; And Man Became A Living SOUL

little girl image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
"Here Is My Mom Frances All Smiles On The Place She Called Home The Happy Family Home On The Farm!"
Sound Of Gun Fire

Chapter 3, Page 109
I then heard him quickly making his approach from behind, and as he neared, he yelled out to me to slowly put both of my hands on the top of my head. By the time it took me to comply, he met up with me and wasted no time in forcefully restraining my hands behind my back with handcuffs. Once this was accomplished, he grabbed hold of my forearm and led me in the direction of the squad car. Walking passed the farmhouse, I noticed another cop talking to the farmer. I knew in all likelihood he called the police, but I let this thought slip away when I was suddenly face-to-face with my up-to-minute fate. After the cop guided me inside the squad car to occupy the back seat, he made sure the car door was secure before moving on to take a seat behind the steering wheel, and then promptly went onto relay a message to whomever it may concern, I was apprehended, and editing out out his filthy foul language, I will relay his annoyed chatter over the radio.
“She fits the description right down to the sneakers.” A woman’s voice then came out over the radio and, ignoring the cop’s rank discourse she replied all about her business.
"My Mom Frances Said Grandpa Jabez Was Always The First One Up In The Morning Living On The Happy Family Farm!"

Sound Of Gun Fire
Holy Scriptues
Psalms 107:9, For He Satisfieth The Longing SOUL, And Filleth The Hungry SOUL With Goodness,
sheep farm image by Free For Use, on Pixabay
Holy Scriptures
Psalms 86:14, O God, The Proud Are Risen Against Me, And The Assemblies Of Violent Men Have Sought After My SOUL; And Have Not Set Thee Before Them.
Authors Commentary
What is happening to Lily is so fantastically surreal in the negative. On this beautiful Sunny day where the blues skies happily lift up the SOUL to safe haven of Heavens Throne. All of Lily’s homespun sense-abilities of hopes dreams soon awaken her to the innocence of her heartfelt longings, to which Lily could very well be the pretty young lady pictured above happily rejoicing to be a part of Gods goodly creation. Lily welcoming the vestiges of her families delightful past to fill her thoughts, instead of her current troubles. Lily recalls the pure delight that is her mom’s Frances happy stories of being raised on Grandpa Jabez and Grandma Lillian’s, ‘Madoc’s Family Farm.’ The Madoc name originates from Wales, and the meaning of is Fortunate.
But Lily is feeling anything but fortunate these days, living out instead a nightmare in real-time, and going through the carnage of the pass few days. She ponders in a daze how could it be possible she had come to end up desperately running away from a butchery reality closing in fast. She is willing to risk the danger of ‘Life and Limb’ to defy an all powerful hostile ‘Beast Regime’ which at present is in maximum defiance of the ‘Most High God’ of the Bible. What could it be that Lily processes that is most precious it puts her in such peril. The enemy, that ‘Old Serpent’ will stop at nothing to process what Lily Holds Dearest to her heart, Lily’s SOUL!
"On The Madoc Family Farm Grandpa Jabez Always Said Admiring God's Creation. 'With the Loving Care God Makes Beautiful Oceans Of Corn Fields!'"
Sound Of Gun Fire
Holy Scriptures
3rd John 1:2, Beloved, I Wish Above All Things That Thou Mayest Prosper And Be In Health, Even As Thy SOUL Prospereth.

happy man & woman image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
"My Mom Took A Picture With Her New Camera She Had Gotten On Her Happy Birthday From Grandpa Jabez And Grandma Lillian Sharing A Happy Moment Home On The Farm After Their Trip To Europe."

happy dog image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
"Here Is The Family Dog Peony. She Is Happy To Be Back Home On The Family Farm From Being Boarded."
Sound Of Gun Fire
Holy Scriptures
1st Thessalonians 5:23, And The Very God Of Peace sanctify You Wholly; And I Pray God Your Whole SPIRIT AND SOUL And Body Be Preserved Blameless Unto The Coming Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

apple orchard image by Lumix, on Pixabay
"My Grandma Lillian And My Mom Frances Loved Picking Wild Flowers And Putting Them In A Vase. Grandma Lillian Placed It On The Dinner Table To Make The Table Setting Look Pretty!"

"Grandpa Jabez Favorite After Dinner Treat Come Harvest Time In The Apple Orchard Was Grandma Lillian's Special Apple Pie Ala Mode!"
Holy Scriptures
Psalms 6:4, Rejoice The SOUL Of The Servants: For Unto Thee, O Lord, Do I Lift Up My SOUL.

Quaint house image by TAI Design, on Pixabay
"Come Sundown My Mom Frances Said Her, Grandpa Jabez, And Grandma Lillian All Snuggled In The Warmth Of The Cozy Farm House After Another Happy Day Of Adventures On The Happy Family Farm!"
Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
photo corn field by Pixabay, on Pexels
photo girl white dress by Todd Kent, on Unsplesh
apple blossoms GIF i,mage by Julius H on Pixabay,
Photo red barn by Pixabay, on Pexels
corn tunnel image by Albrecht Fietz, on Pixabay
apple pie image by HANSUAN FABREGAS onPixabay
song title Morning, on Pixabay