Lily Among Thorns

Good Day

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part 2

Everlasting Arms

Good Day

"Lily Here, And Here Is My Desk."

Chapter 1, Page 7

I knew this was really difficult for Jared to leave this decision up to me, knowing full well that if I left it all up to him, he’d probably take me out of the building right here and now! Making it very clear along the way just how much he despises the idea of Strobeck in the building. Something I didn’t much care for myself either. But I then said trying to sort out my own thoughts and feelings on this matter, …… “But I was so looking forward to this job, and it never fails. Just when you think things are looking up, the enemy, that ‘Old Serpent’ comes along to try and burst your bubble.”


Everlasting Arms

Good Day

"Coffee & Cream My Favorite."

Page 8

“You are not running away from anything, and it wouldn’t be cowardly of you if you do decide to leave…….” “Thank you for saying all those wonderful things about me, because it really does mean a lot to me. But I really do want to stay, or at least for now to give it a try.”


Everlasting Arms

Good Day

"Judy's Desk Is Nicely Spruced Up And Attractive."

Page 11

He then went on to politely introduce me to Judy, and I said trying my best to make her feel welcome.

“Hello, Judy, it’s so nice to finally get to meet you. I’ve heard so many nice things about you from both Jared and Tim.”

Page 13

..….Overall, there wasn’t much stress, and the morning just flew by. And I said, surprised looking up from my watch, I can’t believe how fast the time went, and it’s already passed noon.


Everlasting Arms

Page 27, 28

Jared saw me to my desk, and once I took a seat, I would position my chair to face him, and he’d remain standing with a worried look on his expression. I knew he was leery about leaving me, but to help remedy the situation, I gave him a pleasant smile, thereby in the hopes to show I was faring much better.

…….But soon thereafter when he said my name with such heartfelt tenderness, I then began to see Jared’s beautiful blessed green hazel eyes, which soon began to turn into his handsome caring expression, and then finally.

I was back on the job with Jared now kneeling down at my side looking worried out of his mind, and rightly so. His response being without hesitation. He’d all at once lifted me up to my feet to wrap me up in his arms, and as always finding refuge within his forthright embrace.

Good Day

"I Am So Excited On My First Day On The Job I Have Happy Little Betterflys!"

Everlasting Arms

office image by Ray Shrewsberry, on Pixabay

"Jared's Office Is Perfectly Suited To His Modern Tasteful Vibe."

Page 28, 29

“……And I think the best thing for you to do is to call it a day, because I believe you’ve had about as much excitement as you can handle for one day.”

“I really don’t know what I want to do now. I’d like to leave. But I really don’t want to go home and be alone.”

“How about this, what if you go to my place. Maybe you’ll feel better over there, and if you don’t think you can handle getting behind the wheel, I’ll call you a cab, and then when I get home, I‘ll drive you home to your place myself.”

“I really do like the idea of going over to your place. But I don’t think you need to trouble yourself by calling me a taxi. I’m pretty confident I can drive.”


Good Day

man image by Kukanauskas, on Pixabay

"What Would I Do Without Jared"s Kindly Ways!"

Everlasting Arms

Holy Scriptures

1st Peter 1:17, And If Ye Call On The Father, Who Without Respect Of Persons Judgeth According To Everey Man's Work, Pass The Time Of Your Sojouring Here In Fear.

Good Day

"I Am So Disappointed At Work Because I Hardly Ever Get To See Jared Where Most Of His Time Is Spent In Conference Meetings."

Everlasting Arms

computer desk image on Pixabay

Page 30, 31

……With a weary smile, he said goodbye, and taking off. I gave him a reassuring smile knowing full well that no matter how much reassurance I sent Jared’s way, it still was a lost cause.

But if the truth be known, I was ever so tired of being alone, and my longings for companionship somehow always turned into yearnings for Caleb. Which soon turned into thoughts of the sufferings he was now enduring at the hands of his enemies, and this inevitably led me to tears of sorrow and without fail lead me to recite most often the Lords prayer as it is written in Matthew 6:9-13, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Good Day

woman image by Marie, on Pixabay 

"I Knew By Judy's Husband Tim's Cordial Manners. Judy And I Were Going To Be Good Friends Right From The Start!"

Judy Kindly Speaks Of Her Husband, "Tim Is Always Serious At Work."

Everlasting Arms

Author's Commentary

Good Day

"Lunchtime With Good Company Is So Exceptional!"

Everlasting Arms

Holy Scriptures

Psalms 111:3, His Work Is Honorable and glorious: And His Righteousness Endureth For Ever.

Everlasting Arms

" Good Coffee & Blessed With Good Company Is A Great Combination!"

Author's Commentary

The expectations of grand emotions are what Lily is feeling by looking ahead to a most perfect day. She sees no hazards up ahead and at present. Lily is trying very hard to start afresh, by overcoming her personal encounter with the betrayers of common decency the Global Regime as it is written in 2nd Peter 3:3, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the lat days scoffers, walking after their own lust.

Thus far and within the safe confines of Lily’s little apartment all seems glowingly pleasant in ‘Lily’s World.’ And to Lily’s extreme delight the happy momentum continues as she approaches her new employment the high-rise ‘S. S. International’ building located in the downtown metropolitan area of Denver Colorado.


coffee cup image by Alexa, on  Pixabay

Author's Commentary

Lily is overwhelmingly enthusiastic when she sees Jared standing just beyond the glass entrance doors awaiting her arrival to welcome her inside the lobby. The favorable initial warm greeting between the couple to Lily’s regret is short lived, and soon it became quite apparent to Lily Jared is a mix bag of anxiety and annoyance. Which to her distress is quickly turning into irritation, and thereby Lily’s good temperament is momentarily put off kilter as she begins to ponder what possibly could had happened to put Jared in such a tizzy!

Despite Lily’s earnest efforts to have a ‘Good Day.’ Lily finds herself at odds once again with the far-reaching tentacles of the governing ‘Global Criminal Cabal.’

Suffering the consequences of an unforeseen disruption. Lily is once more a reluctant participant to be victimized from the most unlikely of places. Her own subconscious comes to terrorize her in her waking hours! And thus once again she is an involuntary recipient of the inner workings of the rebellious pawns at S. P. F. Headquarters. A panic-stricken Lily is immobilized by this repulsive prospect, that is until she succumbs to the sights and sounds of a righteous impartation as it is written in Matthew 13:43, Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear let him hear.

Good Day

coffee cup beans image by Eunyoung Chae, on Pixabay

"A Cozy Cup Of Coffee Is A YummIest Treat!"

Author's Commentary

Lily hearkened to Jared’s kindly intervention which leads her back to the safe-haven of familiar surroundings and in conclusion she is ever grateful to the Lord to once again be among the welcome smiles of good company.

With much preponderance of heart Lily comes to the joyful knowledge. God’s promises are always there to meet and greet with the considerate objective as it is written in Deuteronomy 33:27, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.

coffee cup image by Graphic Tuty, on Pixabay


Everlasting Arms


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

skyscrapers image by Architecture City Joe, on Pixabay

woman computer image by Tsaloka, on Pixabay

Young man image by Mohamed Hassian, on Pixabay

computer desk images by Stock Snap, on Pixabay

line coffee cup image by Bianca Van Dijk, on Pixabay

conference room image, on Pixabay

orange conference room image by Toodling Studio, on Pixabay

woman man lunch image by Amore, on Pixabay

 office interior GIF image by Cover Free Footage, on Pixabay

skyscrapers city image by Pete Lin Forth, on Pixabay

music by Sebuah Kenangan, on Pixabay


Good Day

"What A First Day! I Daresay I Hope Tomorrow Is Better!"

The Author: Dear Reader The Blessings And The Joy Of The Lord Be With You On This Good Day! Amen.

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