Lily Among Thorns
The Front Door

"Lily, Here I Am Loving My Sweet Home And Dear Family."
Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part1
The Front Door

"Here Is My Dear Mom Frances, In The Kitchen Looking Happy, When My Dear Dad Surprised Her With A Bouquet Of Yellow Flowers To Celebrate Their 20th Wedding Anniversary."

Shape Up And Fly Right
Chapter 2 Page 55
Suddenly the whole house was in an uproar by the horrendous pounding taking place at the front door. Quickly getting myself out of bed. I put my robe on over my jammies, and the very first thing that came to mind was what transpired at church the day before. But in the hopes my first inclination was wrong. I still thought it best to keep these details to myself and I came out into the hallway to join the others.
back porch image by DONGHWANKIM, on Pixabay
Woman image Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
The Front Door
Author's Commentary

"Here Is My Dear Younger Brother Andrew, He Is A Chip Off The Old Block Looking Like Our Dad. And He Is Always So Serious."
[1] The days come and go and Lily cannot count the days it was a welcoming sight to see the front door of her family home. A delightfully holiday wreath is carefully placed on the front door to reflect the warmth inside, and with joyful anticipation she open’s the front door to warm family greetings.
older boy image by Orna, on Pixabay

The Front Door

"Here Is My Dear Youngest Brother Paul, Him And I Look Like Mom. He Is Lighthearted"
[2] On the days of inclement weather, or perhaps inclement company. The natural occurrence of placing her hand onto her doorknob of the front door blessed Lily’s heart, knowing what awaited her inside was heartfelt wishes of comfort and contentment.
happy boy image by Enoch 111, on Pixabay
picnic image by, on Pixabay
The Front Door

"Here Is The Backyard, With Mom's Beautiful Roses."
Author's Commentary
[3] Come bedtime, when the family is tucked safely beneath their bedclothes. Only one remains up, the man of the house. Lily’s dad, who rechecks all the entree doors to make sure once more the second time around all is safe and secure. Only then can he rest easy reassured his family can sleep well for another night within the sanctuary of their home.
Spring house image by, Emetzner 130, on Pixaba
The Front Door
Author's Commentary
[4] The Trustworthy home life Lily had taken as a given growing up, is far from safe in the present day alarming world ever encroaching to gain access beyond what once was her family home’s sentinel against harm. The Front Door.

'My Dear Dad Edmund Loves His Shiny Brand New Car!"

The Front Door
"Here Are More Of Mom's Beautiful Roses."

Holy Scriptures
John 10:9, I Am The Door: By Me If Any Man Enter In, He Shall Be Saved, And Shall Go In And Out, And Find Pasture.
The Front Door

"Here Is My Dear Boston Terrier Named Barney And He Loves To Frolic In The Backyard."

The Front Door

Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
wreath image, on Pixabay
cottage house image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
woman image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
Boston Terrier image by Steve Ryser, on Pixabay
waterclor house image by Beverleermathe WS, on Pixabay
picnic images by DONGHWANKIM, on Pixabay
song title Perfect Beauty, music by Zaknar Valaha on Pixabay