Lily Among Thorns

He Is A Real Dream Boat

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter3:3

He Is A Real Dream Boat


Shape Up & Fly Right Chapter 2, Pages 75, 76

No matter what bit of news may have been hot off the press, nothing was so urgent to communicate that couldn’t have waited until we were both in the safe confines of the truck. But I grew even more puzzled when having a second take of her expression. The silly grin came upon her face, and after wasting no time securing her presence behind some boxes she’d quickly let me in on the know.

‘You sure are fortunate, Lily girl. And you’re not going to believe what’s happening under the radar.”

In response I questioned what in the world is she babbling about and not even beginning to imagine anything in this place  to consider me fortunate! I just know I had a baffled look on my face, because she wasted no time in explaining herself.

starry sky tree image by Amore Seymour, on Pixabay

He Is A Real Dream Boat

Chapter 2, Page 76

“Look who’s got his eyes on you.”

She then turned for me to follow in the same direction, and me being a most curious sort. I saw who she was talking about. When our eyes met, he was in his prime with no more than two or three years on me, and he gave me such a warm inviting smile. I found myself smiling back without even knowing why, but if I were hard pressed to give a reasonable explanation, it would have to be the honesty in his intuitive striking blue eyes. And while sorting out the particulars, I took a thoughtful note of his clean cut dreamy sunlit hair, and somehow from his reserved persona. I instinctively knew he could be trusted and it was obvious he didn’t give his affections readily. He was a ‘Dream Come True’ standing tall and looking confident. He was almost too good to be true, and yet there he was in all his good tone goodness.

I was then stricken by a well dose of realism.

girl moon image by Alana Jordan, Pixabay

starry night image by , on Pixabay

He Is A Real Dream Boat

Author's Commentary

Prior to Lily’s unjustly incarceration, it should also be duly noted. Lily may had been free to roam, but emotionally speaking, she held herself captive from the prospect of another emotional heartbreak. But once she found herself brave enough to reveal her story of heartache to her mother. Lily took to heart her mom’s encouraging words of support to ‘Never Give Up On Love.’

On that same eventide Lily may have drifted off to sleep with a blissful smile on her expression by reconciling to once more open her heart to the idea of love and romance. But timing is everything isn’t it, and for Lily it seemed her time had run out. She soon found herself at odds with a immoral government opposed to her dearest faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures.

lovers bench image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER, on Pixabay

He Is A Real Dream Boat

Author's Commentary

Now at present time Lily is physically held captive locked away in a tiny cell, or you might even say a deep dark dungeon where they, ‘The Global Apostate Wicked Regime,’ threw away the key, because there was just no way Lily would ever be set free and to go unmolested on her way. But in the big wicked scheme of things Lily is let out of prison to go and ‘Work For The Man.’ And yet through it all Lily’s heart is still that of a tender fledgling, and with the nights growing colder as the weather starts to change from Fall to Winter. She is thankful to the Lord for her leather jacket to keep out the chill. Yet she finds herself blowing into her palms quite often to keep warm, because unfortunately for Lily. The warehouse workplace is as cold as an icebox, and as the work nights repeat themselves much as the night before. Lily keeps a low profile, and by working steady to not only keep warm. She is literally racing before her time runs out to complete her assigned task, while heavily armed guards keep a watchful eye on this defrauded ‘Global Enterprise.’

Lily being forced to live in hostile territory. She is now in constant danger of her personal liberties being violated. She maintains her stability by being in a continuous state of prayer.

On this gracious night to Lily’s extreme relief. All appears to be going accordingly, and the last thing on her mind is what awaits her up ahead. Brought to her attention is the interest of a handsome admirer. Lily for the first time in less than a decade is ready to concede to feelings of attraction, and yet. The quandary for Lily lies with the disparaging thought she is now held captive from without only left to manifest her heart’s desires once again from within.

galaxy starry sky, on Pixabay

He Is A Real Dream Boat

Holy Scriptures

Genesis 2:18, And The LORD God Said It Is Not Good That The Man Should Be Alone: I Will Make Him An Help Meet For Him.

He Is A Real Dream Boat


Holy Scriptures, King James Bible

moon blue sky image by Richard Cejas, on Pixabay

sailing ship starry sky images by 1 Tamara 2, on Pixabay

lovers heart stars image by Vanesa, Pixabay

girl jump joy image by One Half One Half, on Pixabay

moon orange starry sky image by Mythology Art, on Pixabay

dream boat clouds image by Mo Eid, on Pexels

song title Angels, music by Jerome Chauvel, on Pixabay


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