Lily Among Thorns
The Sheep of His Hand
Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last days 2nd Peter 3:3
The Sheep of His Hand

Shape Up And Fly Right
Chapter 2, Page, 62
Straight away the two groups were led to what looked to be the main building, and taking it all in as we went along. You couldn’t help but notice the place lit the night sky. the high towers hovering from above and barbwire fence surrounding the complex.
The sheep of His Hand

Page 62
A huge steel door awaited our group of little more than a half dozen, and upon entry in the complex, it became quite apparent the place was void of all human amenities and in its place were dreary gray concrete walls and cold steel girders.
sheep meadow image by, Sam on Pixabay
The Sheep of His Hand

Chapter 2, Page 64
I then jumped a bit from the shock of hearing the door click shut behind me, and it was at this time my sensibilities finally caught up with my emotions. After walking over to the shelf. I had myself a seat and, bowing my head, I looked up to my heavenly Father and began to pray just barely more than just a whisper.
sheep graze image by Nanne Tiggelman, on Pixabay

Dear God, How I long for the simple joys of my childhood, which would bring me such happiness and fullness of heart. I am so frightful right now. I am afraid from now on fear shall be my only and constant companion. Help me not to make it so. But am I destined to remain transparent in this life and never again to be a part of the living.
Am I always to be taunted by others and to be set apart? If I could only journey beyond this would and into the next, into Your world of ‘Happy Endings.’ What of my dreams of a happy home? Shall I never experience the intense stare of a lover’s gaze? Or am I fated to only capture glimpses of these precious and most desired of gifts, and never enabled to make them my own?
sheep meadow image by Sam, on Pixabay
The Sheep of His Hand

Author's Commentary
All Lily can do is advance, and with each step she takes. She ponders how can this be her destiny, enclosed by a rigid cement and steel industrial facility! Truly there is nothing hospitable about this criminal network. But all she can do like a sheep being corralled into a closed pen, is to keep moving along with her new equally bewildered fellow sojourners.
Deeper still, each step she approaches closer into the ‘Belly Of The Beast.’ Lily thereby fighting the inevitable begins to embrace her faithful spirit of liberty within God’s goodly open pastures, and there she lives among the pages of the Holy Scriptures and immerses herself in the sunshine of Biblical truths.
The rigid cold night air feels as emotional to Lily as the wicked construction that now lies before her, and she wonders is there anything greater than the immense ‘Wicked Global Cabal!; Lily takes great comfort in her next thought in the knowledge of knowing no worldly stronghold manifestation of the enemy is so enormous, or superior in strength to her simple faith and her love for the Lord and the Saviour Jesus Christ!
shepherd sheep image by Nanne Tiggelman, on Pixabay
The Sheep of His Hand

Holy Scriptures
Psalms 95:7, 8, For He Is Our God: And We Are The People Of His Pasture, And The Sheep Of His Hand. Today If Ye Will Hear His Voice. Harden Not Your Heart, As In The Provocation, And As In The Day Of Temptation In The Wilderness.
The Sheep of His Hand

Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
woman field image by Eva Michalkova, on Pixabay
stain glass image by Mina Munns, on Pixabay
lion and lamb image by Karen.t, on Pixabay
lamb lying down image by Alan Frijns, on Pixabay
song title Anxious, music by Lesfm, on Pixabay