Global Beast System

woman red dress image Dawn Rose, on Pixabay

Global Beast System

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Genesis 11:4, And They Said, Go To,Let Us Build Us A City And A Tower, Whose Top May Reach Unto Heaven; And Let Us Make Us A Name, Lest We Be Scattered Abroad Upon The Face Of The Whole Earth.

Chapter 2, Pages 67, 68, 69

Turning around to face the music, I was greeted by the same horrid guard who had welcome me here in the first place.  She began yapping her mouth off right from the start, and I was told to join the others out in the hallway, landing at the back of the line once again, for no particular reason. I knew I had better get a handle on my own affairs, or I’d end up splattering my guts out all over the floor. I then found stability, as always, in my heavenly Father’s love, who’s never ending backup would allow me to press onward. Once I began to manage my feelings again due to answered prayer, I noticed I looked to be with the same lot of arrivals, and without delay, we were escorted to a huge auditorium filled with women from every ethic and economic  background imaginable.

Page 68

I personally didn’t mind standing afar off and thereby lose myself in  the vast crowd. But although from where I stood I could barely make out her face, there was no mistaking her nonsensical attitude in every word she began to speak, and all we could do was listen.

“My name is Dr. Georgiana Taylor, and I am honored to be the director of this one of a small number of new state-of-the-art facilities, National Training Rehabilitation Centers.

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Genesis 11:6, And The Lord Said, Behold The People Is One, And They All Have One Language; And This They Begin To Do: And Now Nothing Will Be Restrained From Them, Which They Have Imagined To Do.

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Genesis 11:7, Go To, Let Us Go Down, And There Confound Their Language, That They May Not Understand One Another Speech.

Page 68

…..The conventuinal past, with all its rights and rituals, must and will be abolished. And from this a new day will dawn, where all the peoples of the earth will at long last be able to live in true peace and harmony.

Page 69

Blah! Blah! Blah, is how she was coming across to me, and tuning her out, I thought, here I am surrounded by the enemy. Knowing I could never concede to the State’s warped interpretation of the Gospel, so what was the point in listening any further. And after blocking out her meaningless drivel, I then began to focus on the Lord and his undying love, knowing because of my unwavering resolution to follow the God of the Bible and His infallible living Word. I was in this thing for the long-term, and because this was so, I also know my physical well-being was also at the whim and subject to mine enemies. The freedom of spirit was my only true possession, and I looked to my only source of inspiration as it is written in Matthew 5:11-12, “Bless are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

Global Beast System

Holy Scripures

Revelation 1:3, Blessed Is He That Readeth, And They That Hear The Words Of This Prophecy, And Keep Those Things Which Are Written Therein: For The Time Is At Hand.

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Revelation 22:7, Behold, I come quickly:Blessed Is He That Keepeth The Sayings Of The Phophecy Of This Book.

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Deuteronomy 19:10, That Innocent Blood Be Not Shed In Thy Land, When The LORD Giveth Thee For An Inheritance, And So Blood Be Upon Thee.

Global Beast System


The shedding of  ‘INNOCENT BLOOD‘ on a grand scale, is where the world is headed, and quite modestly Lily is at odds with this terrifying prospect. The HIGH MINDED IN HIGH PLACES‘ occupy their ‘SECRET CHAMBERS‘ coveting the authority over life and death.

The BIBLE speaks of ‘TEN KINGS‘ having power and strength, and of these ‘TEN KINGS all give their power and authority unto the ‘BEAST.’ Who are these ‘TEN KINGS‘ the BIBLE does not name. Lily may have heard their names here and there, on television, or some other type of transmission. But the point being, and what comes to Lily’s mind. Ten people cannot physically control the whole earth, because this would be preposterous even in theory!

Lily is no longer living in a world where the CREATOR’S ‘RIGHTEOUS STATUTES’ are commonplace, or at one time considered with reverence in society. But through the manipulation by the ‘HIGHMINDED IN HIGH PLACES‘ plotting and conniving the lies from the ‘ FATHER OF IT.’

A wicked joint venture has come to fruition, and thereby access has been gained into the private lives of the most innocent among us. Deemed in the pages of HOLY SCRIPTURES as the ‘SALT OF THE EARTH’ such as a young woman like Lily harboring within her heart the wholesome hopes and dreams of wife and motherhood.

Presently Lily is encircled by a tyrannical ‘BEAST REGIME,’ and by remaining true to her faith and belief in the ‘INFALLIBILITY OF THE BIBLE.’ The heart of the matter for Lily, and in the end, it has always been about choosing life through the SAVING GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, over that aged ‘OLD SERPENT‘ whom since ages past has been the most fiery proponent of the shedding of ‘INNOCENT BLOOD!’

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Psalms 104:4, Who Maketh His Angels Spirits; His Ministers A Flaming Fire: Who Laid The Foundations Of The earth, That it Should Not Be Removed For Ever.

Global Beast System

Holy Scriptures

Secret Chambers

Matthew 26:24, Wherefore if they shall say unto you,

Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold ; he is in the SECRET CHAMBERS; believe it not.

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