Lily Among Thorns
Anno Domini, In The Year Of Our LORD

Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part 1
photo Lee Travathan, on Pixabay
photo Martina Amaro, on Pexels
Anno Domini
In The Year Of Our LORD

Holy Scriptures
Psalms 133:1, Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Anno Domini
In The Year Of Our LORD
Shape Up And Fly Right,
Chapter 2, Page 91
On the ride there, Stevi proved she was a genuine friend, and then something happened I thought to be a miracle and a blessing. Lily, I’ve decided to give you my workload, if it’s out of the main viewing range of the aisle and the guards.”
I was just going to give Stevi a thoughtful and most grateful response when the other women on board, who pretty much kept to their own until this point, responded one right after another to express the same exact sentiments. I was so touched tears of gratitude began to well up, and I have never felt such a unity of love, perhaps except from my own dear family. From this point on, we as a group had just become sisters in Christ Jesus, as it is written in Matthew 12:48, “But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, “Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
We as a group agreed to pray together, and everyone’s prayer was welcome, and whatever was pressing on their hearts at the time. From this time on, this became our custom. Upon our arrival and by the looks of things, there looked to be nothing out of the ordinary had transpired, and the nightmare I experienced the night before turned out to be nothing more than an unfortunate fluke.
photo Free Fun Art, on Pixabay
The Great Fire Of Rome

The Historians shine the light of truth on the Great Fire Of Rome. The Year 64 AD, Date, July 18th. Rome, the city of 1 million people is the most populated city in the world. The poor souls living in Rome, at this time were packed in like sardines. Disaster strikes, and the fire breaks out, it is estimated 70% of Rome was lost to the fire. Emperor Nero, it is said for his own selfish reasons was responsible for the city set ablaze. Nero, looking for a convenient scapegoat perpetuated the rumor the Christians were responsible for the Fire, and Christian persecution went into effect as Official Governmental Policy, A Bible Verse Comes to mind as it is written in Ecclesiastes 1:9, The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be: And that which is done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Anno Domini
In The Year Of Our LORD

A common observation has been quoted in the aged old adage. ‘If one does not know their history’ they are bound to repeat it.’ Lily is now living in such a time in history, where history is repeating itself. We will take Lily back to the place and time where Christianity was once more considered a crime against the state.
Anno Domini, meaning, ‘The Year Of Our Lord‘ in Latin, a common language of the 1st Century Christian, and Lily is now known as Lilium and believes as it is written in 1st Timothy 2:5, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Rome, the place of Lilium’s nativity, and as a vibrant young woman. She is the daughter of a Roman Senator of the Roman Republic, and she comes to hear the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God via the teaching of the apostle Paul. Lilium enlightened by the Word of God, and to her own peril. She became a ‘True Believer,’ and welcomed the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
photo Scarcella, on Pixabay
The apostle Paul gives his salutations from Italy as it is written Hebrews 13:24, Salute all them that have rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.
The time, the ancient Roman Empire, and Lilium refusing to sprinkle a bit of incense on the altar of ‘Emperor Worship’ is awaiting her fate held captive in the stronghold beneath the Roman Colosseum. A ghastly imposing Roman Guard tosses the petite damsel inside a cell and, as Lilium’s long chestnut tresses toss to and fro as she just manages to maintain her footing, in the meantime the frightful guard secures the lock before he goes on his way. Prudently Lilium takes a seat in the filthy setting, and once where the agreeable fresh air and lovely sunlight had come to grace her pleasing smile. Now in the damp dark chambers in the vestiges of the enemies territory emanating the foul stench of ruthlessness, her only worldly procession to shield herself from harm, is the feminine grown a white soft to the touch ‘Stola.’
Anno Domini
The Jesus Fish Symbol

The JESUS FISH: And why it became a Symbol of Christianity. In the 2nd and 3rd and Centuries to follow. The JESUS FISH symbol was used to identify a fellow Christian in a time of persecution in the Roman Empire. IXOYE is the first letters of the Greek words: IESOUS XRISTOS THEOU YIOS SOTARE interpreted, JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD.
photo by Clarence Alford, on Pixabay
photo Ron Lach, on Pexels
can hear in the near distance the bellows of an impartial participant
to this madness crudely driven from its natural habitat. The roar of
lions directed to pounce seeking whom it may devour, and undoubtedly.
Working feverishly behind the scenes a 'Supernatural Wickedness'
fostering this particular spectacle to entertain the decadent
spectators. Whom are rapidly working themselves into a state of frenzy
lusting after the shedding of innocent blood. Lilium deprived of the
familiar kindly sights and pleasant daily sounds of her warm family
surroundings, at present is sharing this horrific experience with others
of whom she had never met before. But, a blessed miracle event begins
to develop in this dank dark grim backdrop. When a group of strangers
finding commonality of faith, Lilium is blessed as she courageously
prepares herself along with her fellow Christian brothers and sisters in
the Lord Jesus Christ by implementing prayers and singing praises in
the knowledge of knowing shortly thereafter she was to be in the
presence of the GLORY OF THE LORD!
In The Year Of Our LORD

Anno Domini

In The Year Of Our LORD
Later Lily may find herself in a different setting date and time, but nonetheless, Lily refusing to take the ‘Mark of the Beast’ as it is written in Revelation 13:7, And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Once more the hostility toward the Christian Faith is speedily gaining momentum, and at present Lily finds herself seated in a dark dampened truck with others sharing in this same ill fated journey. On this night however History Repeals Itself, and what awaits Lily is too grievous for words, but once again a miracle begins to happen, and one by one the woman in the group begin to speak up to support Lily in her most desperate of hours.

A coalition of Sisters In Christ Jesus come to fruition bounded by the love and understanding of their Christian Faith, and all are welcome to share their burdens.
From out of the darkness is the Light of God ‘s truth shinning bright within the believer, and just as their 1st Century Christian counterparts. ‘Women Prayer Warriors of Faith’ in the present gather to break down strongholds, to defeat the oppressive brutality of the same ancient foe, ‘The Roaring Lion’ as it is written in 1st Peter 5:8, Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Anno Domini
In The Year Of Our LORD

Holy Scriptures
Psalms 140:1-3, Deliver Me, O LORD, From The Evil Men Reserve Me From The Vilent Man: Which Imagine Mischiefs In Their Heart: Continually Are They Gathered Together For War. They Have Sharpened Their Tongues Like A Serpent: Adders Poison Is Under Their Lips. Salah.

Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
photo Andrel Tanase, on Pexels
photo Kellie, on Pixabay
photo Sam, Pixabay
Photo Shelley Evens, on Pixabay
photo Andrel Tanase, on Pexels
photo Skitterphoto, on Pexels
photo Leonhard Niederwimmer, On Pixabay
Song title Powerful Emotional Epic, music by Rocket, on Pixabay